[Rails Plugin\Gem] How to show time, which your plugin spent in rails server log

Sorry for my terrible english.
When user makes request to your server in log you could see smth like

Completed 200 in 134 ms (Views: 12 ms ; ActiveRecord 1ms; Sphinx 0ms)
I want my plugin to show information in this line, such Sphinx and
Activerecord and Arel do.
But after i waist 2 hours on google i have nothing.

Where could i read how to implement this feature ?

I really need it in my work

On Apr 20, 5:44 pm, sadgb разумовский [email protected] wrote:

Check instrumentation.rb in actionpack - it’s what ActiveRecord hooks


On Apr 21, 9:37 am, sadgb [email protected] wrote:

looked up, but no result… maybe you got some sample ?

That is the sample - if you look at that file it points you at the bit
of activerecord which hooks into that. You should be able to mimic


looked up, but no result… maybe you got some sample ?