Rails, Paperclip and SWFupload


I’m sure this is in the wrong group - so any suggestions for a right
group would be great! And you have my express permission to treat me
like an idiot in replies! I have a fair amount of knowledge …
but … obviously not enough to understand this past the basics!

I have two problems … but only going to list one for now …

I’m trying to use the Jim N. code and examples with swfupload and
not having much success.

I’m using Rails 2.3.5 if that’s any use.

I’ve already had to do this in my PhotosController:

skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :only => :create

just to get the app to ignore {play nicely?) with the
InvalidAuthenticityToken problems! And I promise I’ve read EVERY post
there is on the problem from Google and beyond. I’ve changed more code
try to solve the InvalidAuthenticityToken than I think Microsoft have
ever produced … and still no help. More on this in another post …

But back to my problem:

I have this as part of my photo controller code:

def create
if params[:Filedata]
@photo = TripPhoto.new(:swfupload_file => params[:Filedata])
if @photo.save
render :partial => ‘photo’, :object => @photo
render :text => “error”
else … [rest omitted]

The data is being passed to the controller I think from the log …

Processing TripPhotosController#create (for at 2010-05-17
21:24:26) [POST]
Parameters: {“Filename”=>“SYTS Logo Colour - All Red.png”,
“trip_id”=>“3”, “action”=>“create”, “authenticity_token”=>"[Omitted]",
“Upload”=>“Submit Query”, “controller”=>“trip_photos”,
“_worldtripper_session”=>"[Omitted]", “Filedata”=>#<File:/tmp/

But I get the following error …

NoMethodError (undefined method file=' for #<TripPhoto:0x103d99410>): app/models/trip_photo.rb:13:inswfupload_file=’

I have inserted (as per Jim’s instructions) the following into my
TripPhoto Class…

require ‘mime/types’

class TripPhoto < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :trip
has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :small => “150x150>”, :large
=> “320x240>” }
validates_attachment_presence :photo
validates_attachment_size :photo, :less_than => 5.megabytes

def swfupload_file=(data)
data.content_type =
logger.warn(“Data content type is: #{data.content_type}”)
self.file = data


So I have a feeling it has something to do with the line:

self.file = data

But I really have NO IDEA what is wrong! I’ve spent days on this and
it’s not through lack of trying …

So any help please would be fabulous!



Oh … BTW …

If I make the line

@photo = TripPhoto.new(params[:Filedata])

… I end up with the following error:

NoMethodError (undefined method stringify_keys!' for #<File:/tmp/ RackMultipart20100517-44821-hoknr8-0>): app/controllers/trip_photos_controller.rb:20:innew’

Which makes even less sense …


I solved it … but have no idea why!

Needed to change:

self.file = data


self.photo = data

And it works … hmmmm …

On May 18, 7:10 pm, “Ruby on Rails: Talk” [email protected]

On May 18, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Ruby on Rails: Talk wrote:

self.photo = data

And it works … hmmmm …

Because your Photo model “has_attached_file :photo, …” NOT
“has_attached_file :file, …”


On May 18, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Ruby on Rails: Talk wrote:

not having much success.
try to solve the InvalidAuthenticityToken than I think Microsoft have
ever produced … and still no help. More on this in another post …

I recently configured swfupload with Rails using the beta3 of swfupload
so I could have it to client side image resizing.

Take a look at this rails demo app:


It’s everything you need to get it going. If you don’t want the client
side image resizing, just comment out the bits that invoke it. The
swfupload handlers are setup to simply print out debugging information
so you can see when/why/where they get called.

Just run ‘rake db:migrate’ to setup the sqlite database.

In particular though… look at these files/lines…

config/environment.rb - 2nd to last line
config/initializers/session_store.rb - last line


Thanks so much for you help with the problem and the suggestion with
new version of swfupload!

I don’t suppose you have any clear insight into why I can’t get the
InvalidAuthorizationToken thing to work do you?

Thanks once again for help already given and any more you might be
able to offer


Thanks so much for you help with the problem and the suggestion with
new version of swfupload!

I don’t suppose you have any clear insight into why I can’t get the
InvalidAuthorizationToken thing to work do you?

My guess is you’re not passing it along via Flash. See this bit in
app/views/home/index.html.erb where I invoke the swfupload object. See
where it’s passing the session key and the authenticity token? That’s
important. And also why you need that middleware stuff.

$(document).ready(function() {
swfu = new SWFUpload({
upload_url : “<%= upload_path %>”,
file_post_name : “Filedata”,
post_params : {
“<%= key =
ActionController::Base.session_options[:key] %>” : “<%= cookies[key]
request_forgery_protection_token %>” : “<%= form_authenticity_token

Thanks once again for help already given and any more you might be
able to offer

No problem!


On 18 May 2010, at 21:40, Philip H. wrote:

                                 "<%= key =  

ActionController::Base.session_options[:key] %>" : “<%= cookies[key]
request_forgery_protection_token %>” : “<%=
form_authenticity_token %>”

You can also just include swfupload.cookies.js (it’s in the plugins
folder when you download SWFupload from the site and you just include
it after swfupload.js) and never worry about passing in the right
cookies, it will add them to the post parameters automatically.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

You can also just include swfupload.cookies.js (it’s in the plugins folder when you download SWFupload from the site and you just include it after swfupload.js) and never worry about passing in the right cookies, it will add them to the post parameters automatically.

Good to know. That won’t help with the authenticity token though…
But definitely handy if you need more cookies than just the session!


On 19 May 2010, at 00:08, Philip H. wrote:

Good to know. That won’t help with the authenticity token though…

Indeed, our swfuploads are completely separated into reusable
Javascript objects, so I didn’t think of it anymore.

Note to self: don’t answer mailing list replies while half asleep :slight_smile:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt