Rails on Windows

For reasons beyond my control I’ve been saddled with deploying a Rails
app I wrote onto a Win2k box. Installing Ruby, Rails, Mysql, and a host
of other things that I need was easy enough, and I can now run the
actual rails application via webrick. It looks awesome.

But I can’t figure out for the life of my how to set up the server’s IIS
configuration to handle my application. I’ve used

and a number of supplementary resources, and I’m still not getting any
results. The filters are set correctly, I’ve set up a new website and
pointed it to the myapp/public directory, etc etc. But when I go to
where the website should be (i.e. http://mydomain.com), all I see is the
directory structure for /public. It’s as if Rails hasn’t been switched
on at all, even though I know IIS is working and I followed that guide
as closely as I could.

Any suggestions or common problems I should be on the lookout for?

rails-mailing-list wrote:

But I can’t figure out for the life of my how to set up the server’s IIS
configuration to handle my application.

You could use…

  • CygWin
  • Webrick (script/server -p 80)
  • mongrel
  • Apache’s Win32 install

So why IIS?

http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand ← NOT a blog!!


This is a very simple Ruby on Rails site that happily runs on windows
2003 server.


I use mongrel as a web server & start it on port 80 - very simple, but
it means the box can only host one normal web site.

Others seem to have managed what you are trying to do. Look here.



  • matt.

Phlip wrote:

rails-mailing-list wrote:

But I can’t figure out for the life of my how to set up the server’s IIS
configuration to handle my application.

You could use…

  • CygWin
  • Webrick (script/server -p 80)
  • mongrel
  • Apache’s Win32 install

So why IIS?

http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand ← NOT a blog!!

Mike Volodarsky and others of the Microsoft IIS group are working on
developing a FastCGI solution for running PHP/Ruby/etc on IIS. Here
is his post on how to use FastCGI with Ruby on IIS. They are
currently at a Technical Preview 2 level but hope to have a beta
version released this spring.

Hope this helps.