Hi all, im a newb and although I’ve googled I can’t find a clear answer.
Im running: Windows 7 x64
Eclipse x64 with radrails plugin
Ruby 1.9.3p125
Rails 3.2.3
I’ve installed some mysql connectors and gems and DevKit and executed:
“gem install mysql2”
Howerver, I want to know if it is possible to run:
rails new <project_name> -d mysql2
As I am getting an error saying only mysql is possible.
Is the only way of using mysql2 by using mysql as default and then
changing the ruby file and de database.yml?
Because i’ve been following tutorials and always the error of “using
version 5.x when its compiled to 6.x”
Thanks in advance
Miguel A. wrote in post #1055016:
Hi all, im a newb and although I’ve googled I can’t find a clear answer.
Im running: Windows 7 x64
Eclipse x64 with radrails plugin
Ruby 1.9.3p125
Rails 3.2.3
I’ve installed some mysql connectors and gems and DevKit and executed:
“gem install mysql2”
Howerver, I want to know if it is possible to run:
rails new <project_name> -d mysql2
As I am getting an error saying only mysql is possible.
Is the only way of using mysql2 by using mysql as default and then
changing the ruby file and de database.yml?
Because i’ve been following tutorials and always the error of “using
version 5.x when its compiled to 6.x”
Thanks in advance
I’m not sure if I follow you. mysql2 gem is an adaptor for the mysql DB.
When you create the app with -d mysql is telling rails that you want to
use mysql db for your app. Rails will by default set mysql2 gem
(adaptor) to be used in the database.yml
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
database: del_development
pool: 5
username: root
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
So if you want to use mysql db you are doing it right with -d mysql.
There is nothing else you need to do. Just go ahead with the project.