Michael E. wrote:
By default Rails classes are using toplevel namespace; ie: ActiveRecord,
ActionView, etc…
Rails also does not put your models into a separate namespace (though i
wish it would =), and those
also are toplevel. ie: User, Account, Session, Group, Article.
If you have any classes that you wrote that have the same names as your
models or other toplevel
classes/modules that Rails is using you need to either a) rename them or
b) move them inside of
another namespace.
The problem you are having is that the first time you define/open a
class it has to define it’s
class A ; end
class B < A; end
You cannot define/open a class and then later try to subclass it, ie:
class A; end
class B; end
class B < A; end # error!!
This is the scenario you’re hitting with your namespace clash. Your
StateProvince class is being
initalized, then when it gets around to loading your StateProvince
module it seems you’re trying to
define inheritance, and you can’t do that now.
If you have namespace clashes but you are in your namespace you can use
:: syntax to ensure you get
the toplevel class/module. For example:
class StateProvince
module MyNameSpace
class StateProvince
module MoreModules
class MyStateProvinceModel < StateProvince
In the above code code your MyStateProvinceModel is going to subclass
because that is the first constant ruby finds while it is looking for
“StateProvince”. This may be
wrong because your MyStateProvinceModel might need to subclass the
toplevel StateProvince class.
This is where the “::” comes in handy:
class StateProvince
module MyNameSpace
class StateProvince
module MoreModules
class MyStateProvinceModel < ::StateProvince
The leading :: on any constant will force ruby to look at the most
toplevel constant.
I hope this helps more then it confuses,