I’m using DigitalOcean as my hosting provider as I have some simple
sites there. I thought I’d try to setup rails on a domain there to see
what I could accomplish.
When I hit the sight, I get “Welcome to nginx!” which is encouraging. I
go back to the console and run ‘rails server’ and I can see Thin running
fine (replaced WEBrick with Thin).
Going back to the site I’m still seeing the “Welcome to nginx!” message.
I was hoping to see the Rails default page.
What am I doing wrong? I can supply any information needed.
Using passenger I would assume you are using a virtual host. Do you
have that virtual host defined in your dns or etc/hosts? Are you
addressing the virtual host by name? It would be expected that you would
just see the nginx default page if you are going to your assigned host
When I hit the sight, I get “Welcome to nginx!” which is encouraging. I
go back to the console and run ‘rails server’ and I can see Thin running
fine (replaced WEBrick with Thin).
This isn’t how you deploy on a public server. rails server starts a
mini-server in the console, with logging to stdout, and is meant for
localhost hacking only. Please investigate Passenger (mod_rails) or any
other application server, which you can slot into nginx or Apache2 with
great ease. Copy, paste, profit!
When I hit the sight, I get “Welcome to nginx!” which is encouraging. I
go back to the console and run ‘rails server’ and I can see Thin running
fine (replaced WEBrick with Thin).
This isn’t how you deploy on a public server. rails server starts a
mini-server in the console, with logging to stdout, and is meant for
localhost hacking only. Please investigate Passenger (mod_rails) or any
other application server, which you can slot into nginx or Apache2 with
great ease. Copy, paste, profit!
Thanks Walter. Still new to Rails (obviously). I didn’t know ‘rails
server’ was for local testing.
So, now I have Passenger installed. When I run ‘passenger-memory-stats’
I have some concerns.
There must be some remnant of Apache on the system because I get a
“WARNING: The Apache executable cannot be found.” I had removed Apache2
because I am now using Nginx.
Looking at the Nginx processes and Passenger processes they are both
How can there be 0 Nginx processes when I go to my site and see
‘Welcome to Nginx!’?
There are three or more ways to install passenger. After you install the
gem with gem install passenger, you then need to run the
passenger-install-nginx command (and look that up in the install docs –
I am just doing this from memory) and make configuration changes in your
site conf file for nginx to know where to look for its rubies. There’s
also this passenger-solo or something like that which can run without
any Web server at all.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.