Rails method to get the current url that called the action?

hi, i implemented a captcha and basically need to redisplay the page
with the fetched information.

im trying redirect_to :back after the captcha is valid, but i think its
going back in history. so basically i need to find a way to recapture
the url that called the check captcha function.



when i use render :action, i lose the url that i specified in my routes.
hmmm, or maybe i can just create a new route for the check…

This is in a controller right? You should be able to use


2007/3/21, mixplate [email protected]:

im trying redirect_to :back after the captcha is valid, but i think its
going back in history. so basically i need to find a way to recapture
the url that called the check captcha function.


redirect_to :back should do exactly what you need - it works on
information contained
in http referef header, so it should go back to the page which
originated the request.
From the source:

when :back
request.env[“HTTP_REFERER”] ?
redirect_to(request.env[“HTTP_REFERER”]) : raise(RedirectBackError)

