Rails messing up FPDF / encodings?

This code seems to break under rails and the console (1.2.2 branch),
while working as expected under irb:

require “fpdf/fpdf”

s = ("" << 73 << 241 << 116 << 234 << 114 << 110 << 228 << 116 << 105
<< 111 << 110 << 97 << 108 << 105 << 122 << 230 << 116 << 105 << 248
<< 110)

pdf = FPDF.new
pdf.SetFont(“Arial”, “B”, 16)
pdf.Cell(40, 10, s)

The string should be valid cp1252, which afaik is also the default
encoding for fpdf.

Running this code from irb creates a pdf containing the whole string,
while trying to write the same string from within Rails or running
this code in script/console chops off the last two characters…?

Any suggestions appreciated.


On 3/7/07, Isak H. [email protected] wrote:


Any suggestions appreciated.


Did some debugging on this issue, and found that my strings are
getting mutilated by sprintf, which fpdf is using for string
substitution, i.e. this is a kcode/ruby issue, and has nothing to do
with rails.

Taking the discussion to comp.lang.ruby instead, thanks.
