Rails, htmldoc and cgi

I have some problems with external proces, which is started by rails.

I have found something about generate pdf in rails:


I would like use htmldoc

but I have a problem with broken pipe.

    htmldoc_env = "HTMLDOC_NOCGI=TRUE;export HTMLDOC_NOCGI"
    generator = IO.popen("#{htmldoc_env};htmldoc -t pdf --path
\".;http://#{@request.env["HTTP_HOST"]}\" --webpage -", "w+")
    generator.puts @template.render("article/pdf")

    send_data(generator.read, :filename => "test.pdf", :type =>

When I run it directly from shell everything is ok,
but when I ruby it from method in rails controller,
I see “Broken pipe”.

I think, that there is a problem, because rails are cgi process and
htmldoc not. How to improve this?
Can I run htmldoc as cgi process?

I have some problems with external proces, which is started by rails.

Hi - this isn’t the Rails list - but fwiw you want to avoid starting
external processes in Rails. It has pitfalls. Ask on the Rails list
about BackgrounDRb.

Giles B.

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