Rails/GlassFish in Rails Conf Europe 2008

Thanks to everybody who contributed to “Rails powered by GlassFish” talk
@ Rails Conf Europe. The talk was well received and we learned a lot as
well. Let us know if you are using Rails/GlassFish in production and
we’ll be happy to add your name to the deck.

The slides from the conference are available at:


Here are blog reports from 3 days:

Day 1: http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/rails_conf_europe_2008_end
Day 2: http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/rails_conf_europe_2008_day
Day 3: http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/rails_conf_europe_2008_day1


Application Platform, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta

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