Rails getting started guide: validates not working for me?

Hi everyone,

im pretty new to ruby/rails and have an issue with the getting started
tutorial on

The model should be extended by this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :presence => true
validates :title, :presence => true,
:length => { :minimum => 5}

Now when i enter this into the console

p = Post.new(:content => “A new post”)

i get this:
ArgumentError: Range unspecified. Specify the :within, …

That is not supposed to happen. Rails is 3.0.5, ruby is 1.8.7, so i
dont see a problem there…
When i change validates to validate, it creates a record with empty
values and saves it (thought of a typo, but obviously wasnt).

Im really confused. Does anybode have an idea?

Thanks for your help,

The code looks right.

Make sure you don’t have class Post defined somewhere else (like

Also, make sure you restart the console each time you make changes to
the Post class.

Don’t do a reload on the post class from inside the console as this
doesn’t work with ActiveRecord last I checked.