Rails fckeditor plugin in 2 forms in a view page


I have a view page where there are 2 forms and each form have fckeditor
textarea. . SO initially both forms will be hidden on page load. When I
click on a link1, the form1 div will be shown and form2 will be hidden
vice versa. But when I click on link1 the form1 div appears the 2 fck
editors(one for form1 and another for form2). Please help.
My form1 is given as below.I am using rails 2.3 version.


<div id="forward-form" style="display:none;">
  <% form_for :reminder, :url=>{:id2 =>@new_reminder.id,

:action=>‘forward_reminder’},:html=>{:multipart=>true} do |l| %>

<%= error_messages_for :reminder %>

Email Id
<%= l.text_area :email,
:value=>’’,:rows=>3,:cols=>5 %>

<%= fckeditor_textarea
:body,:lang => I18n.locale,:langdir => (rtl? ? ‘rtl’ : ‘ltr’) %>

<%=submit_tag “#{t(‘send’)}”, :class => ‘button’,
:disable_with => “#{t(‘please_wait’)}” %>

<% end %>


<div id="reply-form" style="display:none;">
  <% form_for :reminder, :url=>{:id2 =>@new_reminder.id,

:action=>‘reply_reminder’},:html=>{:multipart=>true} do |l| %>

<%= error_messages_for :reminder %>

Email Id
<%= l.text_area :email,
:value=>’’,:rows=>3,:cols=>5 %>

<%= fckeditor_textarea
:body,:lang => I18n.locale,:langdir => (rtl? ? ‘rtl’ : ‘ltr’) %>

<%=submit_tag “#{t(‘send’)}”, :class => ‘button’,
:disable_with => “#{t(‘please_wait’)}” %>

<% end %>