::Rails.env based domain var

What’s the “right” way to DRY up this statement in my app?

  if ::Rails.env == 'staging'
    domain = '.staging-domain.com'
    domain = '.production-domain.com'

I am using it in a mailer, as well as, the session_store.rb initializer.

Not sure how I should make this “domain” variable available across my
entire app the “Rails” way.


On Jul 26, 2012, at 3:30 PM, John D. wrote:

Not sure how I should make this “domain” variable available across my
entire app the “Rails” way.

I would put it in your config/environments/[environment].rb files, one
per environment, or put the local (test/development) one in your
environment.rb file, and the deployment version in the production.rb


Domain = (::Rails.env == “staging” ? Staging-domain : other-domain)

Handy posted…
Am 26.07.2012 21:30 schrieb “John D.” [email protected]:

On Thursday, 26 July 2012 15:30:42 UTC-4, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:

Not sure how I should make this “domain” variable available across my
entire app the “Rails” way.

Probably the best would be to set it as the default host:

config.routes.default_url_options[:host] = ‘something.com

in each environment. This has the added bonus of ensuring that full URLs
always get generated with the right host. You may need to also set
config.action_mailer.default_url_options[:host] to get the same
to your mailers.

–Matt J.