I have a ruby application that I need to install but I’m new to ruby
on rails and I’ve run into a problem already…
I’ve installed Ruby 1.8.7, RubyGems 1.5.3 and Rails 2.3.8. These are
the versions required for the application.
I have also installed all the gems specified in the application’s .gem
file using “$ gem install …”
Required gems : haml jrails rails -v 2.3.8 pg heroku_deploy money
validates_email_format_of mogli facebooker2 simple_uuid delayed_job
ssl_requirement recaptcha hoptoad_notifier
When I launch the server executing “$ ruby script/server” from the
application’s directory I get the following message :
$ ruby script/server
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 2.3.8 application starting on
Missing these required gems:
delayed_job < 2
You’re running:
ruby at C:/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe
rubygems 1.5.3 at C:/Users/me/.gem/ruby/1.8, C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/
Run rake gems:install
to install the missing gems.
It can’t find delayed_job, even though delayed_job-2.1.4 is installed
on the Gem path C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
Running “$ rake gems:install” doesn’t help either :
$ rake gems:install
(in [application directory])
Run rake gems:install
to install delayed_job