Are there any Rails developers in Argentina subscribed to this group?
I’m looking to hire or at least meet some here. Most of the developers
I’ve met so far in Buenos Aires haven’t even heard of it.
Are there any Rails developers in Argentina subscribed to this group?
I’m looking to hire or at least meet some here. Most of the developers
I’ve met so far in Buenos Aires haven’t even heard of it.
I’m in USA but I know the best way to contact Ruby/Rails programmers
in Argentina is probably thorough this site:
They have a mailing list over there too that you can subscribe and
reach quite a few developers:
Hope that helps!
On 3/21/07, Eric N. [email protected] wrote:
Are there any Rails developers in Argentina subscribed to this group?
I’m looking to hire or at least meet some here. Most of the developers
I’ve met so far in Buenos Aires haven’t even heard of it.Eric
Adrian Esteban Madrid
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