Rails Developer Wanted - Houston, TX

#Developer Position

ZipZoomAuto is a web startup that solves problems for independent car
dealers (< 200 cars). We save our users many hours of tedious work by
automating whatever could be automated. And sometimes we TRY to
automate things that can’t be automated!

Our users include proficient folks that run blogs about their
dealerships to 56K modem users that struggle with connecting their
digital cameras to their USB. Our aim is to keep our app easy to use
for all users while providing the features that facilitate their lives
and increase their sales.

We are looking for a developer that has working Ruby/Rails experience.
You will be the first programmer on the team (besides founder) and
will be the technical lead in the company.

Day To Day

  • Designing and implementing new features. (Prototype first, (cuc/
    spec, implement, push, code review, repeat ), release (hopefully at
    fixed intervals) )
  • CSS/HTML/JavaScript magic.
  • Refactoring code. (that had to be done yesterday)
  • Fixing bugs.

Some Days

  • Linux (Ubuntu) administration. (Git, Apache, updates, etc…)
  • Tech support. (Around 1/2 to 1 day per week to stay in touch with
  • Demoing of app to potential customers. (Around 1 demo per week until
    process is fully automated with app design, guides, and tutorials)


You’ll need to already have done the following:

  • Deployed web applications
  • Understood advanced Ruby features like
    ** Closures
    ** Meta programming
    ** Loops (kidding)
  • Understood the Rails stack and are comfortable with it.
  • Written unobtrusive JavaScript and well structured XHTML.
  • Developed the discipline to get things done on your own. (no boss at
    ZZA, only colleagues with high expectations)


ZipZoomAuto is in its infancy with a growing customer base. You’ll be
more of a founder than an employee. You’ll play a vital role in
developing the technical and cultural policies that the company will
be based on. We’re guided by:

  • The Golden Rule
  • Making our users lives much easier through our product. (So they can
    go home sooner to their families and make more money)
  • Judgment - We’re a small company so each decision made is a
    critical one.
  • Honesty - No politics. Only say things about people that you’d
    say to their face.
  • Communication - Understand the other’s point of view before making
    your point.
  • Reliability - Dependable in your deadlines and work.


We’re an early stage startup with great potential and a market ready
to be grabbed. We’d prefer to hire someone who can come into our
office (Houston, TX) and work with us full time; but we’ll consider
other working situations if it makes sense.

Working at ZipZoomAuto means you’ll get:

  • 4 Week vacations. More if needed as long as work is done.
  • Free gym membership.
  • Health insurance (After first 3 months)
  • Work some hours from home.
  • And more…

To Apply

Send code samples, portfolios, and resumes to [email protected] and
let us know how you heard about the job. Please include ‘Developer
Position - Your N.’ in the subject.

Principals only, please. We will not accept any offers from recruiters.