Rails connection sqlserver 2005 there some wrong!

hi erevy one
i use ruby 1.8.7 ,rails is 2.2.2

fisrt get the latest source distribution of Ruby-DBI from:
http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-dbi/ and copy the file:
rub-DBI is 0.2.2




then i install
gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter -v=2.2.8

i run the server

error is
establish_connection please install the sqlserver adapter gem install
no such file to load active_record/connection_adapters/sqlserver_adapter

then i copy sqlserver_adapter from ctiverecord-sqlserver-adapter-3.0.0
to that palce

but that another error

active_support/dependencies.rb:442 in ‘load_missing_constant’
uninitialized constant activedrecord::wrappenddatabaseException

Anyone hit this ?


try using bundler to install the gem , it will try to find all the

Here is a series of steps that I had to go through in order to get
SQLServer 2005 working for my needs. You might need to skip/replace
some steps. I hope this helps you.

  1. Install Ruby (1.8.6): Download Ruby
  2. Install rubygems:
    a. Download RubyGems | RubyGems.org | your community gem host (zip version)
    b. Unpack to a directory and cd there
    c. ruby setup.rb
  3. Install rails: gem install rails –v=2.3.5
  4. Install mongrel: gem install mongrel
  5. Install mongrel service: gem install mongrel_service
  6. Install SQL Server adapter: gem install activerecord-sqlserver-
  7. Install ODBC gem: gem install odbc-rails
  8. Install SQL Server Management utility (from Microsoft)
  9. Create SQL Server DB
  10. Create login in SQL Server
  11. Create DB user
  12. Create DSN in Windows:
    a. Control Panel → Adminstrative Tasks → Data Sources (ODBC)
    b. Click on System DSN → Add
    c. Select type SQL Server
    i. Name: Whichever name you want to give it here.
    ii. Description: Your description here
    iii. Server: Server name (whichever is the server name you see
    in SQL Server Management utility)
    iv. Use SQL Authentication