Rails and javascript


I want to add a dropdown selection box that when an item is selected a
javascript function gets called, is there an easy way to do this with


Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.

SafetyNet Test Driven Development

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 16:50, Dev G. [email protected] wrote:

I want to add a dropdown selection box that when an item is selected a
javascript function gets called, is there an easy way to do this with

Sure, though it’s not Rails-specific; just use the onchange attribute.

onchange Event

for an intro to the concept.


Dave A.: Available Cleared Ruby on Rails Freelancer
(NoVa/DC/Remote) – see www.DaveAronson.com, and blogs at
www.Codosaur.us, www.Dare2XL.com, www.RecruitingRants.com

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Alpha B. [email protected]

‘yourclass’ %>
keydown:function () {
while in a select field).
For more options, visit this group at

Hi thanks,

this is exactly what I was looking for, a solution using jQuery to
bind a function. Still green on ajax, so your example was very useful
and also the link provided above for a javescript refresher on events.

Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
SafetyNet Test Driven Development

There are a few ways to do this. If you are looking for an ajax
response you can do the following:

(this is an example with a new action)

<%= form_for Model.new, :remote => true do |f| %>

Your Label
<%= f.collection_select(:some_id, Model.all, :id, :name, :class => 'yourclass' %>

<% end %>

Then in your javascript do something similar to:

click:function () {
// do something when it’s clicked
keydown:function () {
// do something when a key is pressed down in the select
keyup:function () {
// do something when a key is pressed up in the select

This handles most of the browser events you’ll find in Mozilla, IE,
Safari, etc. as far as handling events. Some change events are not
noticed by Mozilla (for instance if someone is using drop down arrows
while in a select field).

There are quite a few ajax tutorials out there.