Rails and HTTP Authentication

Hi, I would like to restrict access the the basic CRUD ops via
htaccess. Requests for /item/list, /item/add etc would prompt the user
for their password. I was thinking I would create a new directory,
apply the htaccess settings, and put a dispatch script in there. But
then I would have to configure rails to look in multiple directories
for a controller (something I dont know how to do), and have two
dispatch.cgi files. What is the ideal approach to achieving security in
rails via htaccess?


On Sep 5, 2006, at 11:50 AM, MaggotChild wrote:

What is the ideal approach to achieving security in rails via

You want to ask this question on the Rails mailing list, this list is
for generic ruby questions.

Eric H. - [email protected] - http://blog.segment7.net
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant


MaggotChild wrote:

Hi, I would like to restrict access the the basic CRUD ops via
htaccess. Requests for /item/list, /item/add etc would prompt the user
for their password. I was thinking I would create a new directory,
apply the htaccess settings, and put a dispatch script in there. But
then I would have to configure rails to look in multiple directories
for a controller (something I dont know how to do), and have two
dispatch.cgi files. What is the ideal approach to achieving security in
rails via htaccess?


Found the following plugin: