Rails - Adding assets and language files after the war has been deployed

I have a Rails (3.1.3 with asset pipeline) application that will be
deployed as a war. This application has ui “themes”. Internally, I just
have .scss files (Sass) in the assets directory of the Rails application
and I let the user switch between them.

I’d like to allow administrators to add themes(basically .scss files) to
the application after it has been deployed as a war. How can I allow the
functionality without requiring the war be rebuilt/recompiled (using
warbler). Ideally, they would be able to add themes without having to do
anything with the war file.

I have a similar concern for language files. How can someone dynamically
add a language file to a deployed Rails application?

I’m currently pre-compiling assets, namely the themes written using
in production, but I’m open to changing this if it’ll helps solve this
issue. Can I precompile asssets outside of the war? Is it possible to
the path of the asset pipeline to outside the war?

Note: This question is cross-posted with this StackOverflow