It is now possible to run the Rails ActionPack tests to completion
without any hangs or fatal crashes! The full instructions are at the
bottom of /. Note that this is
not the full test suite (have not tried to run that yet). The result
summary for the ActionPack tests is:
2306 tests, 10539 assertions, 85 failures, 50 errors
rails actionpack tests with ironruby · GitHub has the full output if you want to browse
the kinds of errors IronRuby is running into. The numbers look pretty
good for now, but there is still work to be done to drive it to 0.
Actually the results with MRI are “2306 tests, 10823 assertions, 28
failures, 3 errors”, which means that there are some configuration
issues. If anyone has experience running Rails tests with MRI, it will
be very useful to know how to get this MRI baseline to be clean (or to
know if these issues are known issues in MRI or the Rails tests)
For folks who are working on fixing RubySpec bugs (and for others who
are interested too), it will be great to have your help fixing Rails
bugs. Jirapong, some of the failures are due to a missing
OpenSSL::Random. This could be a good place to start with your OpenSSL
work. Some of the bugs seem easy to spot from the output, like a missing
File::stat. Other bugs might need more digging in. Let me know if there
PS: Note that you will need to pull changes from my repo which are still
not in the main repo (git pull git://