Rails 3 time breakdowns don't add up

Ever since upgrading an app to rails 3.0.5 the time breakdowns at the
bottom of each action don’t come close to adding up. Further, the app
feels significantly slower.

Completed 200 OK in 1684ms (Views: 165.1ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms |
Sphinx: 0.0ms)

165 + 6 + 0 isn’t anywhere close to 1684.

All of my actions have this kind of discrepancy?? Where’s this lost
time going?

None of the SQL statements or individual renders have big numbers…
Something is missing. Thoughts?

On 16 April 2011 20:18, Josh [email protected] wrote:

time going?

None of the SQL statements or individual renders have big numbers…
Something is missing. Thoughts?

What did you upgrade from?

Have you upgraded the ruby version also?

Are you running in production mode?

What OS are you running under?


What did you upgrade from?

Have you upgraded the ruby version also?
ree, latest

Are you running in production mode?
no - this is in development

What OS are you running under?
OSX for dev

production isn’t bad at all:

Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 19.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.2ms |
Sphinx: 0.0ms)

However, it’s highly annoying to wait for 1 second requests in
development - rails 2.x wasn’t like this.

I also noticed that on my app, even in development:
Completed 200 OK in 1390ms (Views: 294.7ms | ActiveRecord: 4.8ms)