I’m working on getting Remarkable working with Rails 3 / Rspec 2. I
don’t know how many users care about it, but I figured I’d give users
a chance to tell me. The way it looks now, it won’t be backwards
compatible (primarily because Rspec2 has a lot of refactoring,
starting from changing the namespace from Spec to Rspec).
If you need Remarkable for your project, now is the time to speak up.
describe Post do
subject_attributes { valid_attributes }
def valid_attributes
{ :name => “my post” }
it “should give me a post with valid attributes” do
describe :name => “blah” do
it “should give me a shorthand for :name => blah” do
# …
For some reason, describe is not being properly overridden. But more
importantly, the hash syntax conflicts with the built-in metadata
functionality in Rspec 2
I never knew this functionality existed in Remarkable 3.3, and
frankly, I don’t really use it.
subject_attribute {} is neat but you can just as easily use subject
{ Post.new(:attributes … ) }
If there are enough people that care about this, I may give it another
crack. At this point though, I’m culling it from the feature set and
push for a bundle-able-prerelease.
I’m working on getting Remarkable working with Rails 3 / Rspec 2. I
don’t know how many users care about it, but I figured I’d give users
a chance to tell me. The way it looks now, it won’t be backwards
compatible (primarily because Rspec2 has a lot of refactoring,
starting from changing the namespace from Spec to Rspec).
If you need Remarkable for your project, now is the time to speak up.
I figure it is better to release some core features early and let
people kick the tires.
Remarkable::Rails will need some rethinking, and I’ll want to talk to
people who actually use it. My needs are for testing a web-service
with most of the resource controllers dynamically generated from
inherited_resources, so I won’t have an active project in which I test
any UIs. In particular, please upvote or comment on this issue: