[Rails 3] remote_function?

Is the remote_function still valid in Rails 3 as it seems many of the
Prototype helpers have been replaced ? (link_to_remote, …)

where can I find any link on it ? not in the standard doc I guess …

thanks for you feedback

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

Is the remote_function still valid in Rails 3 as it seems many of the
Prototype helpers have been replaced ? (link_to_remote, …)

where can I find any link on it ? not in the standard doc I guess …

<%= link_to ‘foo’, some_path, :remote => true %>

The docs are on your system. Run gem server and then browse to

Greg D.
destiney.com | gregdonald.com

Thanks Greg

I’ve already look at it.
My issue was related to the remote_function which seems to be still
All that stuff in Rails 3 is not yet so clear for me…

I am using this on a checkbox tag, not on a tag (which is
well documented in the doc)

= check_box_tag(“selection”, “1”, false, :onclick =>
remote_function(:url => showHideMenuItem_admin_user_path, :method
=> :post, :with => “‘id=#{user.id}’”))

I finally ended testing the ‘old’ remote_function and it’s working
