I have the following URL I match to show a subset of text from a book
I have a route definition that works perfectly when entering a url in
the browser however I cannot get a link_to or path name for this url
match ‘/:book/:chapter1/:line1/:chapter2/:line2’,
:to => “lines#showlines”,
:constraints => {
:book => /\d*\s?\w{2,}/,
:chapter1 => /\d+/,
:line1 => /\d+/,
:chapter2 => /\d+/,
:line2 => /\d+/ },
:as => :showlines
I keep getting the error
No route matches
{:chapter1=>“1”, :verse1=>“1”, :controller=>“verses”, :chapter2=>“1”,
:action=>“showverses”, :verse2=>“3”, :book=>“john”}
I have tried
<%=h link_to(“link”,
This is Rails 3.
Any pointers?