[Rails 3.2] validation on create not working

class Place < ActiveRecord::Base

validates :description, :presence => true
validates :description, :uniqueness => {:case_sensitive => true, :on
:create }

also tried

validates :description, :uniqueness => {:case_sensitive => true },

=> :create

On update ( in form fields, updated label, same description )
{“event”=>{“place_attributes”=>{“label”=>“a very beautiful place”,
“description”=>“where you should go…”}}

@event.errors debugging
@messages={:“place.description”=>[“has already been taken”]}> !!
uniqueness should not be checked

thanks for any clue …

On 4 December 2012 10:03, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

On update ( in form fields, updated label, same description )
{“event”=>{“place_attributes”=>{“label”=>“a very beautiful place”,
“description”=>“where you should go…”}}

@event.errors debugging
@messages={:“place.description”=>[“has already been taken”]}> !!
uniqueness should not be checked

I don’t understand what is happening that is not as you expect.
Please try and explain in more detail.


the[SOLVED] I thought uniqueness of :description was checked on record
update even with :on => :create condition for validate…
it was , but my functional test was not an update …

I was using
post :update, :locale => I18n.locale, :id => @event_0[:id]

it MUST be
put :update, :locale => I18n.locale, :id => @event_0[:id]

Le mardi 4 dcembre 2012 11:12:00 UTC+1, Colin L. a crit :