Rails 3.0.3 and visit_CoercibleString errors

From having no errors with 3.0.2 I now see lots of these errors when
running my tests.

undefined method `visit_CoercibleString’ for #<Arel::Visitors::MySQL:

Anyone know what this is?


On 16 November 2010 19:18, anywho [email protected] wrote:

From having no errors with 3.0.2 I now see lots of these errors when
running my tests.

undefined method `visit_CoercibleString’ for #<Arel::Visitors::MySQL:

Anyone know what this is?

I saw somewhere that 3.0.3 uses a later version of Arel, with some
incompatibilities. Are you using a plugin that has to be updated?
The call stack when you get the error may tell you which one.


Hi Colin and thanks for your reply.

I had originally just done “bundle update rails”. When I do that, I
get 40 errors when running my tests. I tried “bundle update” to update
all my gems incase there were other dependancies. That resulted in 139
failures instead with the visit_CoercibleString error remaining.

The call stack is offering no clues.

On 19 November 2010 17:43, anywho [email protected] wrote:

Could you not top post please, it is easier to follow the thread if
replies are interleaved into previous message as appropriate. Thanks.

Hi Colin and thanks for your reply.

I had originally just done “bundle update rails”. When I do that, I
get 40 errors when running my tests. I tried “bundle update” to update
all my gems incase there were other dependancies. That resulted in 139
failures instead with the visit_CoercibleString error remaining.

The call stack is offering no clues.

Can you show us it?


On Nov 19, 12:30pm, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

failures instead with the visit_CoercibleString error remaining.

The call stack is offering no clues.

Can you show us it?

  1. SIO::Log::Processor response properties it should record a
    property for a response
    undefined method `visit_CoercibleString’ for



./spec/lib/log_processor/log_processor_spec.rb:507:in `block (4

levels) in <top (required)>’



./spec/lib/log_processor/log_processor_spec.rb:505:in `block (3

levels) in <top (required)>’

Line 51: response = Response.where(:survey_id => params[‘id’], :token
=> params[‘u’]).first

Response is an AR model. Is this what you’re looking for?

On 23 November 2010 15:54, anywho [email protected] wrote:

I had originally just done “bundle update rails”. When I do that, I
property for a response

./spec/lib/log_processor/log_processor_spec.rb:505:in `block (3

levels) in <top (required)>’

Line 51: response = Response.where(:survey_id => params[‘id’], :token
=> params[‘u’]).first

Response is an AR model. Is this what you’re looking for?

I meant the whole stack.

Is Response a reserved word I wonder?

Does the app work or is it just the tests?

I am amazed the google shows no hits for visit_CoercibleString except
this thread. It is not something in your code is it?
