Rails 2.1RC1 has been tagged!

Hey folks,

Rails 2.1RC1 was tagged by DHH :

It’s available as Rails 2.0.991 on http://gems.rubyonrails.org

– Jean-François.

Best to not point people to gems.rubyonrails.org, which may make them
to add it to their sources file. Then we get a whole lotta fun when they
to do gem update rails and get edge instead of a tagged version.

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Jean-François Trân
[email protected]

Ryan B.

Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.

undefined method `pick_template_extension’ for

apparently Globalize doesn’t like it :frowning:


So what would the work around for this be?


On 12 May 2008, at 17:25, Ix Quic wrote:

undefined method `pick_template_extension’ for #<ActionView::Base:

apparently Globalize doesn’t like it :frowning:


Large chunks of actionview were refactored, so some breakage of
plugins is to be expected.


Fix the plugin or bug the creators of it to update it!

On 5 Jun 2008, at 20:35, NickSmall wrote:

So what would the work around for this be?

don’t use 2.1 or wait for globalize to be updated.


But say I actually wanted to be helpful to the community and try and
patch it myself? I’ve spent the last few hours looking through the new
ActionView source and RDoc. From what I can tell,
pick_template_extension has been moved to ActionView::TemplateHandler
but it’s not a public method. And it seems full_template_path (another
necessary method) has been removed altogether. If someone could point
me in the direction of somewhere where I can find out about these
types of changes and how to update my code to accommodate them, I
would really appreciate it. I also checked the ActionView changelog,
which mentioned the changes, but no clues on how to workaround them.

Thanks again,

Found it, just in case anyone is wondering. The
ActionView::Base.pick_template_extension class method is now an
instance method: @finder.pick_template_extension. Also, the other
method that went missing was ActionView::Base.full_template_path,
which is now @finder.pick_template. Hope that helps someone!