Can anyone tell me how to turn on mass assignment in rails 2.0. I am
facing a problem accessing a value of an attr_protected value sat by a
plugin I am using. I need this value to be assigned to a modle object
but it is silently discarded. Please help.
if it’s only one attribute, why not just assign with:
@object.update_attribute(:attribute, value)
On Feb 11, 2008, at 12:40 , Nuwan Chaturanga wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to turn on mass assignment in rails 2.0. I am
facing a problem accessing a value of an attr_protected value sat by a
plugin I am using. I need this value to be assigned to a modle object
but it is silently discarded. Please help.
Protected attributes are ignored in mass-assignment, that’s the whole
point of attr_protected!
If the plugin sets the attribute with regular assignment it will get
saved anyway, I mean this sequence updates the protected attribute:
model.protected_attribute = value
if model.update_attributes(params[:model])
# protected was updated to value, no matter
# what params[:model] has about it
If the plugin uses mass-assignemnt itself either the atribute cannot
be protected or else you need to patch the plugin.
– fxn
On 2/11/08, Xavier N. [email protected] wrote:
On Feb 11, 2008, at 12:40 , Nuwan Chaturanga wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to turn on mass assignment in rails 2.0. I am
facing a problem accessing a value of an attr_protected value sat by a
plugin I am using. I need this value to be assigned to a modle object
but it is silently discarded. Please help.Protected attributes are ignored in mass-assignment, that’s the whole
point of attr_protected!
Correct! The OP should think about WHY the plugin is protecting the
attribute from mass assignment.
The reason this gets done in general is for security, to keep a
bad-guy user from changing things that shouldn’t be (passwords?
permissions? …) by forging uri’s with say, additionally query
parameters in the URI.
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
The real problem I am facing here is the plugin I use
(acts_as_better_nested_set) declares the column “parent_id” as
attr_protected which I need in a controller to reffer to the parent
object of the cutrrent node (I doubt this plugin was written prior to
Rails 2.0). I send parent_id as a hidden field value from view to the
controller where its get discarded. (I am creating a category tree
in categories_controller
def create
@category =[:category])
pid = params[:category][:parent_id]
parent = Category.find_by_parent_id(@pid)
parent.add_child(@category) #error here
#other stuff
parent.add_child(@category) is the code where the error is thrown. It
says “a category can not be found without an Id”.
do you have any ideas?
Thanks a lot. I followed the plugin API and it worked.
On Feb 12, 2008, at 4:42 , Nuwan Chaturanga wrote:
The real problem I am facing here is the plugin I use
(acts_as_better_nested_set) declares the column “parent_id” as
attr_protected which I need in a controller to reffer to the parent
object of the cutrrent node (I doubt this plugin was written prior to
Rails 2.0).
You need to trust the plugin as a working assumption and tune your
expectations. If the attribute is protected there may be a good
reason, in principle a plugin author does not write
attr_protected acts_as_nested_set_options[:left_column].intern,
just arbitrarily. It could happen it is unnecessary, but the best
hypotheses to work on is it isn’t.
This structure needs some housekeeping for the right/left/parent
columns and I bet the library user is not supposed to deal with
parent_id directly, I guess you must go always through the API to
establish relationships.
– fxn