Rails 2.0 strangeness. Default layouts not working, methods in application controller not visible

Either my app has some bad config files, or some basic behaviors have
changed without any documentation.

  1. Default layouts are not being applied
  2. Helper methods in application_helper.rb not visible unless helper
    :all is set in the controller.
  3. Methods in application controller not visible in other controllers.

These things all worked fine in 1.2.x versions. What could be going on


snacktime wrote:

Either my app has some bad config files, or some basic behaviors have
changed without any documentation.

  1. Default layouts are not being applied
  2. Helper methods in application_helper.rb not visible unless helper
    :all is set in the controller.
  3. Methods in application controller not visible in other controllers.

These things all worked fine in 1.2.x versions. What could be going on


I would double check that everything in your environment.rb file is
correct since you went from an older version to a newer version. Also,
do some search from upgrading from rails 1.2 to 2.0. I bet there are a
couple of things you need to do. Also, your last option would be to
create a new rails app under the new 2.0 version and then copy over your
views, models, controllers, etc. This way you know the base files are
correct: your environment.rb, etc.