Rails 2.0.2 mongrel_rails start Vs ruby script/server fragment_cache_store

Hi Guys,

We found that when we use ruby script/server start, the
fragment_cache_store always seems to default to :file_store. (because
tmp/cache dir gets created automatically lib/commands/server.rb)

If however we use mongrel_start then of course the tmp/cache folder
doesn’t get created and the fragment_cache_store defaults
to :memory_store. If of course we use mongrel_rails and the tmp/cache
folder exists, it defaults to :file_store.

It seems this problem has been fixed in Rails 2.1. In Rails 2.1 it
would never default to file_store unless explicitly put in

The lesson learnt is to explicitly put the
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :file_store, “/tmp/cache” (for
Rails2.1) and ActionController::Base.fragment_cache_store
= :file_store, “/tmp/cache” in your environment file. Additionally,
check in your tmp/cache folder in your source control folder and dont
rely on the start up command to create those folders for you.

I wish we knew about this before. Anyway, since I don’t have an active
blog, putting this here might someone else later.
