Rails 1.2.1 twice as slow as Rails 1.1.6?

If anyone else has done similar benchmarks, please do tell :).

  • rob

On Mar 6, 2007, at 21:05, Rob S. wrote:


If anyone else has done similar benchmarks, please do tell :).

I created a scaffold application with one database table and one
database field then ran the below script against each. I found no
difference in times for 100 iterations.

Each took ~ 1m45s running in production mode on WEBrick.

There may be particular methods that have gotten slower or faster,
but for the common code paths I find this doubtful.

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘mechanize’

count = 0
N = ARGV.first.to_i

agent = WWW::Mechanize.new
page = agent.get ‘http://localhost:3000/compares/index

N.times do |i|
puts " → #{i}"
puts page.title
page = page.links.last.click

form = page.forms.first
form.fields.name(‘compare[data]’).value = “data #{count += 1}”

page = agent.submit form
puts page.title
page = page.links.first.click # Show

puts page.title
page = page.links.first.click # Edit

form = page.forms.first
form.fields.name(‘compare[data]’).value += " edited"

page = agent.submit form

puts page.title
page = page.links.last.click # Back

puts page.title
page = agent.post page.links[2].href # Destroy

puts page.title