I’ve just upgraded from rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and now I can’t navigate to
any page of my site. It seems that the controller gets called but my
browser says my page can’t be found. Each request result in the
following webrick output:
Any help is appreciated. I can’t seem to be able to go back to rails
1.1.6 since installing rails 1.2.1 also installs all its dependencies.
My dev work came to a halt…
What is WildcardQuery ? Is it a plugin ? That’s where I’d start
investigating if I were you. Since no one has replied, it seems no
one has the same kind of problem.
I’ve just upgraded from rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and now I can’t navigate to
any page of my site. …
Any help is appreciated. I can’t seem to be able to go back to rails
1.1.6 since installing rails 1.2.1 also installs all its dependencies.
My dev work came to a halt…
What platform are you running on? How was Rails installed (gem?)?
How are you trying to switchback to 1.1.6? And, what error occurs in
that process?
Try downloading the rails 1.1.6 tgz from the rubyforge download page,
extract the contents and copy the extracted vendor/rails directory to
your project’s RAILS_ROOT/vendor/ directory, this should overwrite the
installed gem version with the rails version in your vendor directory
(aka 1.1.6)
dir (or ls, etc) RAILS_ROOT/vendor/
(should result in)
… rails/
… plugins/
dir RAILS_ROOT/vendor/rails/
(should result in)
… actionmailer/
… actionpack/
… activerecord/
… etc.
Hi, did you do the following to migrate your project from 1.1.6 to
a) update you environment.rb file to use 1.2.1
b) rake rails:update
I’ve reverted back to 1.1.6 for the moment(I couldn’t before coze I made
the version change in environment.rb but I forgot to save the file!).
I’ve done (a) but not (b). (b) looks scary as I guess (b) will
overwrite various files in my project. Can I undo the changes if I want
to go back to 1.1.6?
It turns out the WildcardQuery and QueryFilter classes belong to ferret
and I used ferret and act as ferret. The strange thing is that if I hit
a page/model that doesn’t use ferret, things work. However, as soon as
I go to a page that uses a class that uses ferret, then all hell breaks
lose and then nothing loads from then on, not even a page/model with no
ferret usage. I stepped thru the code and ActiveRecord would not work
at this point(most if not all model methods would fail). I would need
to restart webrick at this point.
or you could do gem install -v=1.1.6 rails and edit your
ENV[‘RAILS_VERSION’] to 1.1.6 in your config/environment.rb. easier
done this way. no need for freezing your rails gems.
You should be using some form of version control system, so that if
like these upgrades break then you can easily roll back.
If you don’t have access to a version control system, http://opensvn.csie.org offers free (as in beer) svn and trac to those
sign up, however they are located in Taiwan and connection speed isn’t
you call screaming if yer in the states. Still it is free so you can’t
Rails 1.2.1 seems to have broken a lot of gems. My first problem was
related to the ferret and acts_as_ferret gems. After upgrading these
gems to the latest and the greatest, the ferret problems went away but
now rails is complaining about my RMagick gem. I’m not sure if there’ll
be more problems even after I upgrade RMagick. I’m not sure if it’s
worth the time to go through all the compatibility problems when 1.1.6
works fine for me. After seeing that 1.2.1 is as least 50% slower than
1.1.6 ( see Interesting Framework Speed Test Results. Shows Rails 1.2.1 - Rails - Ruby-Forum ), I’m just gonna
stick with 1.1.6 for now.
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