Radrails controllers

is there any reason in the world why the controllers i edit in
radrails(and save) aren’t affecting the application running on
localhost? what’s going on? i just don’t g e t it!!!



!@!! wrote:

is there any reason in the world why the controllers i edit in
radrails(and save) aren’t affecting the application running on
localhost? what’s going on? i just don’t g e t it!!!

  1. Are you saving the files after changes?
  2. Do the changes work if you modify the files via Notepad/Textpad etc?

Dr Nic wrote:

!@!! wrote:

is there any reason in the world why the controllers i edit in
radrails(and save) aren’t affecting the application running on
localhost? what’s going on? i just don’t g e t it!!!

  1. Are you saving the files after changes?
  2. Do the changes work if you modify the files via Notepad/Textpad etc?

…first of alls, thanks for the reply; i was pulling hair out there :slight_smile:

wierd thing, but when i work on the view, it’s saved and seen, but when
i work on the controller, it also gets saved, but isn’t implemented in
the application (localhost:3000 etc).
the changes are saved.
i’m in development mode, so even if there were things i would need to
restart for (even though i’m sure it’s not that way in the controller) ,
i don’t need to now (no need for development mode, it goes through all
the code) .

wierd stuff . . . the only thing i’m thinking/hoping is that there is a
bug in the app that i am not aware of.
is there?

thanks again,


I really can’t imagine the prob is with the IDE. More likely with the
webserver. Sorry I can’t help - I’m not sure why your controllers aren’t