RadRails and OSX

Hello all,
I’ve gotten a brand new laptop at work. This is my first experience with
development on a Mac. So far I’ve gotten rails and mysql working on it.
I’m having trouble accessing some features of RadRails, particularly the
rake tasks. I’ve entered the following as the paths for rails and rake
in the configuration window, but I don’t know if they are correct. Can
someone shed some light on this?




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You can open Terminal and type “which rails” and “which rake” to see
the correct paths.


I just tried it. It told me that the files were located at
usr/local/bin/rails and usr/local/bin/rake. However, RadRails needs the
location of the rake scripts (like Migrate, etc.). Any ideas?


Vishnu G. [email protected] wrote:
You can open Terminal and type “which rails” and “which rake” to see
the correct paths.


On 11/6/06, Will G. wrote:

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Not really, I don’t use Radrails. But the rake tasks for a project are
within the rails-1.1.x gem directory, usually:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.x/lib/tasks. If you have
to type that into Radrails tho, it’s dumber than I thought it was. So
you’re probably doing something wrong.


That’s kind of what I was thinking. I tried the actual directory where
the scripts reside, but it wants a file. So, obviously the path to rake
is sufficient. I wonder why it won’t list the available rake tasks.


Vishnu G. [email protected] wrote:
Not really, I don’t use Radrails. But the rake tasks for a project are
within the rails-1.1.x gem directory, usually:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.x/lib/tasks. If you have
to type that into Radrails tho, it’s dumber than I thought it was. So
you’re probably doing something wrong.


On 11/6/06, Will G. wrote:


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