Hi, What is the difference between a radiant extension and a rails
Hi, What is the difference between a radiant extension and a rails
Rails plugins are designed to extend or modify the Rails framework,
Radiant extensions modify the Radiant application (which is a Rails
app). In a sense, they do similar things, extensions just have some
easy hooks into Radiant and their initialization routines, etc, are
quite different.
Sean C. wrote:
Rails plugins are designed to extend or modify the Rails framework,
Radiant extensions modify the Radiant application (which is a Rails
app). In a sense, they do similar things, extensions just have some
easy hooks into Radiant and their initialization routines, etc, are
quite different.
On initialization. Plugins are loaded as the Rails framework is being
loaded, but before most of the Radiant application code is loaded.
Radiant extensions are loaded after the application code is loaded.
John L.
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