Aitor Garay-Romero-3 wrote:
I like the idea of parametrized snippets. I hope that the core team
considers this for future releases, i believe that the idea is simple and
fits in the philosophy of Radiant.
I agree. My original goal was to create something that would fit within
core values - simplify a common task in a easily used way. This one
gets to
be a challenge because it reaches a little deeper into programming than
other tags.
Aitor Garay-Romero-3 wrote:
I would suggest to add the parameters individually to the <r:snippet>
tag, and to allow a body to be defined:
<r:snippet name=“rounded-box” class=“whatever” bg-color=“blue”>
This is a parametrized snippet…
The direction I went was with declaring variables rather than purely
parameters. I then enhanced <r:snippet to let you declare variables at
same time (I have a standard to also just <r:store vars=“myVar1: Chris;
myVar2: 47; myVar3: false”>).
The idea here was that you could access those values in a snippet but
elsewhere in the same page, or within other contexts. You could even
set a
variable within a snippet and then use it back within the calling page.
That’s why I named it ‘vars’ instead of ‘params’.
Overall, I like the simplicity of your modified <r:snippet>. But I also
feel like it is too limited. I also have an application that needs
variables outside the scope of snippets.
I wonder if any of the core guys have an opinion here? John? Anyone?
Aitor Garay-Romero-3 wrote:
The "name" attribute is reserved. The user is free to use any other,
and they will be passed to the snippet code, may be with a <r:param> and
<r:body> tag:
<div class="<r:param name="class"> rounded"
style=“background-color:<r:param name=“bg-color”>” >
I prefer my format with a single attribute for all the
for no particularly exceptional reason. I’ll have to think more on your
idea – it’s got merit. (Though it’s nice to not deal with any reserved
attribute names).
I really like the idea of adding content to the snippet tag that is
consumed by the snippet (you used the <r:body> tag).
One thing that you didn’t address here is that once you start dealing
variable/parameters, conditionals quickly become necessary. Often you
to respond one way or another within the snippet depending on the value
lack of value) stored in a variable/parameter.
So I ended up creating generalized <r:if> and <r:unless> tags – to give
user a protected way to respond to these variables/parameters (but also
respond to items like page.title or page.part[partName]). Do you have
suggestions here?
Aitor Garay-Romero-3 wrote:
Backdoor 0.3.0 has a <r:tag> and <r:erb_tag> that can be used as
parametrized snippets, but it has the known security implications.
It’s the security stuff that prevents me from touching backdoor. And
not just that I have users that I don’t trust with the full power of
ruby –
I don’t trust me. A bit like giving a kid a rocket launcher for
Christmas -
sure it keeps the bullies away but you’re asking for trouble ;-).
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