Radiant as Tumblelog?

I’m curious if anyone has tried using Radiant as a Tumblelog. I’ve
been contemplating it for some time and thought it would be a good
fit. Different media types could have different page layouts and
comments aren’t necessary. I think the big thing would be navigating
lots of content in the admin area. I am a Tumblr user (and a Radiant
user!) and there are two big hang-ups for me: Multi-user tumblelogs
aren’t possible and creating more than one account would require
logging in and out. I imagine that adding a link to “create child
page” in my browser would suffice and I’d be able to have a few going
at one time.

Any thoughts on this?

Erik M.

Erik M. wrote:

Any thoughts on this?

Erik M.

I haven’t thought as much as you about it, but I’ve always felt that a
second level of authorization could be built onto Radiant, perhaps as an
extension (or a separate application?).

The idea would be to create a system that logs in general users and
present them with a smaller view for adding content. Perhaps, this
second level view would prevent them from using tags and be restricted
to one or more filters, but they would not have the rights to enable or
disable extensions and do not have the rights to use the extensions
(like copy/ move, etc.) - but they’d just be able to add content.

I haven’t used Tumblelog… and I haven’t taken a closer look at the
Blogging/ Comment extensions that are available for Radiant.

I think I’m just rambling… but there may be some ideas there!

11/6/2007 | 1:08 AM.