Quotes in JavaScript string are converted to HTML entities

Hi Radiant users,

I try to use the solution found at
http://lists.radiantcms.org/pipermail/radiant/2006-May/000261.html to do
client-side Mailer form validation using Prototype.

At the line:

The ‘mailer-form’ string is converted to ‘mailer-form’

So this script is unusable. How can I prevent this automatic conversion
to HTML entities?



if you are using textile you can either disable it, or wrap the
content that shouldnt be processed in …

Jonathan Métillon wrote:

So this script is unusable. How can I prevent this automatic
conversion to HTML entities?
I found that this is the Textile filter that’s converting the quotes.

So I simply created a new snippet with no filter where I put the
JavaScript code and I include it from my Mailer form. Now the
client-side validation is working great!



Also using a snippet, I don’t have to touch the extension hard code.


Let me correct : when I posted my message about snippets, I did not
actually test it because I already had converted all my form to pure
HTML and simply deactivated Textile filter.

But now I have another form, which is still using Textile. And I
included my snippet, containing the JavaScript. And the JavaScript is
again f***d up! So I added the … tag and it
looks better, but one character remains converted: it’s & (the
ampersand) that is converted to &

And I really need it because I can’t use the JavaScript AND operator
(&&)! Do you know how to stop Textile from escaping the ampersand?

Thank you.


I suppose that having the Javascript in a different snippet and
it in the original snippet won’t work since the textile filter will be
applied to all the complete snippet output. I’m right?


Have you tried wrapping the code in a CDATA tag? Textile might ignore


Aitor Garay-Romero wrote:

I suppose that having the Javascript in a different snippet and including
it in the original snippet won’t work since the textile filter will be
applied to all the complete snippet output. I’m right?


You are :slight_smile:


On Aug 27, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Jonathan Métillon wrote:

//>>/ So this script is unusable. How can I prevent this automatic
/>>/ conversion //to HTML entities?//
/>>/ Jonathan

On /Mon Aug 27 15:55:56 GMT 2007/, Andrew B. wrote:

if you are using textile you can either disable it, or wrap the
content that shouldnt be processed in …

Excellent, I didn’t know about that . And is there also
and ?

I still prefer to use a snippet, against wrapping the code in


Also using a snippet, I don’t have to touch the extension hard code.
