Questions about two USRP1 with each equipped with two RFX400s

I have some problems with my experiment.
What I want to do is described as follows.

USRP1(device1) USRP1(device2)
±-----------+ ±-----------+
| | @450MHz | |

| | data |db1: |
| db1: --------> FLEX400(A)|

| FLEX400(A) <-------- |

| | data ack| |

| | | |

| | | |
|db2: | data |db2: |
| FLEX400(B) --------> FLEX400(B) |
| <-------- |

| | data ack| |

±-----------+ @470MHz ±-----------+

Now I have two USRP1.

Each of them is equipped with two RFX400 daughterboards.

And I hope that device1’s A can communicate with device2’s A at 450MHz,

device1’s B can communicate with device2’s B at 470MHz.

For example, device1’s A sends data to device2’s A ,and when device2’s
A receives the data, it will send

an ack back. Finally device1’s A will receive the ack from device2.

The same thing will happen in B boards at the same time, but in
different frequency. Also B boards will send

different data from A boards.

So every daughterboard has the capability to transmit and receive

My first qusetion------------>Is this possible to implement on

If it is possible, can I solve it by the following way?

Now I try to create new txpath and rxpath under the top block to solve
the problem.


#for db1

self.txpath = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(mod_class, options)

self.rxpath = owl_rxpath.usrp_receive_path(demod_class, callback,

#create new txpath and rxpath for db2

self.txpath2 = usrp_transmit_path.usrp_transmit_path(mod_class,

self.rxpath2 = owl_rxpath.usrp_receive_path(demod_class, callback,


And I will create new source and sink for db2.

My second qusetion------------>Is that a possible way to solve the

If it’s not or there is any better

way to solve this problem, please tell me.

Thanks for help!
I just really want to know the answers.


I am sure it’s possible. Although I imagine you should use a
dual-USRP-source, and a dual-USRP-sink. Then connect the dual-source
and the dual-sink by doing everything twice in between.

From experience, I have problem opening two USRP-sources (instead of one
dual-USRP-source) on my USRP1. So that suggests to me that your way of
doing it would likely return a “cannot open USRP” error.