I am trying to use Ruby bindings of a software that does
computations by exchanging messages between competent code.
The details are explained here:
This software can be used from the command line and there, it works as
Now, I’d like to use it from ruby. There are ruby binding scripts.
However, I encounter some problems when initialising
TCPSocket - I can’t get any connection. Both ruby and OpenXM are
installed on the same computer.
What could be the problem ?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
require “socket”
class OXSession
def initialize(host = “localhost”,
controlport = rand(20000)+1024,
dataport = controlport+1,
byteorder = 0) @serial = 0
printf(“Connecting to %s, \n”, host)
printf(“Trying to connect to controlport %d, \n”, controlport) @controlp = TCPSocket.new(host, controlport)
sleep 2
printf(“Trying to connect to dataport %d, \n”, dataport) @datap = TCPSocket.new(host, dataport)
sleep 2
p ‘could not connect’
# byte oder negotiation
@byteorder = decide_byte_order(byteorder)
attr_accessor :controlp, :datap
def decide_byte_order(b_or_l)
if b_or_l == 0 @controlp.read(1) @datap.read(1) @controlp.flush @datap.flush @controlp.write(0) @datap.write(0)
return 0
Now, I’d like to use it from ruby. There are ruby binding scripts.
However, I encounter some problems when initialising
TCPSocket - I can’t get any connection. Both ruby and OpenXM are
installed on the same computer.
What could be the problem ?
Posting an exception with stack trace often goes a long way to help
people help you. So I suggest you give that detail.
Generic answer would be: configuration issue, firewall, network
This software can be used from the command line and there, it works as
Generic answer would be: configuration issue, firewall, network issues…
use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end
Dear Robert,
thanks for your reply.
I now get
dhcppc0:/usr/local/openxm-head/OpenXM/src/ruby # ruby ox.rb
Connecting to localhost,
Trying to connect to controlport 1200,
Exception: Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)
ox.rb:172:in initialize' ox.rb:172:in new’
ox.rb:172:in initialize' ox.rb:315:in new’
I tried to find some help in previous discussions, and was able to
identify some open ports, through which I can communicate.
Is there a way to change what ports are blocked from ruby, as root, on
Linux ?
I am trying to use Ruby bindings of a software that does
TCPSocket - I can’t get any connection. Both ruby and OpenXM are
dhcppc0:/usr/local/openxm-head/OpenXM/src/ruby # ruby ox.rb
identify some open ports, through which I can communicate.
Is there a way to change what ports are blocked from ruby, as root, on Linux ?
Either there is nothing listening on that port or the firewall of your
or the target machine blocks the connection. If you are on Linux you
can most likely check with iptables or ip6tables. Chances are that
there is also a GUI tool for that.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.