Why a request for “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth.html” does not get proxied to
server at “”? Instead, the file
“/home/www/mysite/static/foo/bar/sth.html” is served.
is there a way to use ‘internal’ directive together with ‘proxy_pass’
the same location? e.g.
I’ve tried with the above, but it seems ‘internal’ directive takes
precedence, and just return 404 immediately. What I want to achieve is
block direct access to files under “/home/www/mysite/static/foo/bar”,
proxy all requests to an application server which will decide the
A correction to my earlier post: the request in my first question above
should be for “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth/sth.html”, and there is a
corresponding file on the filesystem:
request to “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth” will return 404, and I can see that
request does not even get proxied to the application server. In
this access is not logged in error log but in the access log of nginx.
However, request to “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth/sth.html” is served fine,
despite of using “internal” directive.
request to “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth” will return 404, and I can see that the
request does not even get proxied to the application server. In addition,
this access is not logged in error log but in the access log of nginx.
However, request to “mysite.com/foo/bar/sth/sth.html” is served fine,
despite of using “internal” directive.
Is this the only one “location” that you have in your “server” block?
Thanks for pointing that out. Just to make sure I understand the doc
correctly for my case.
Given that: location /foo/bar/ (directive with conventional strings) and
location ~* (.jpg|.png|.css|.js|.html)$ (regular expressions). The
/foo/bar/ location is actually checked and matched first, however, since
don’t have a ‘^~’ prefix in front of /foo/bar/, the search continues
regex match and matches with location ~*
In the end, it is the regex location directive that is used by nginx.
So to correct the problem, I simply need to add a prefix ‘^~’ in front
/foo/bar/ to stop the search once matched.
Please correct me if I get anything wrong. Thanks.
hmm, so adding ‘^~’ to the front of location /foo/bar/ makes “internal”
directive work correctly. All direct access to “/foo/bar/sth/sth.html”
blocked with 404 now.
However, the proxy_pass inside ‘/foo/bar/’ location still doesn’t work.
even put debugging echo inside all the location blocks, and only the
/foo/bar one appears in the log file. But there is still no request
to the other server. In the debugging log, I see:
hmm, so adding ‘^~’ to the front of location /foo/bar/ makes “internal”
directive work correctly. All direct access to “/foo/bar/sth/sth.html” are
blocked with 404 now.
However, the proxy_pass inside ‘/foo/bar/’ location still doesn’t work.
You are using ‘internal’ in a wrong way (at least judging from your
configuration excerpts).
If you read the documentation Module ngx_http_core_module you
see that internal locations can’t be accessed directly from
but need some sort of internal redirect.
If there is a need for a backend application to check for permissions
serve the file from nginx (while the same time denying direct access)
way to do it is making the backend application to send
header ( some examples: XSendfile | NGINX ).
If there is a need for a backend application to check for permissions
serve the file from nginx (while the same time denying direct access)
way to do it is making the backend application to send
header ( some examples: XSendfile | NGINX ).
I use “internal” directive to block direct access to anything
“/foo/bar/,”, which seems to be what nginx is doing. At the same time,
proxy_pass the request to the backend application server to check for
permissions. If success, the backend server sends a ‘X-Accel-Redirect’
header back to nginx to serve the file.
Now the problem is proxy_pass does not seem to work, as no request is
proxied to the backend server. I wondered if this is because I put it
together with “internal” directive inside the location block, but from
here: X-Accel | NGINX, it seems that this combination should be
fine, as it is given as an example.
Nginx uses only one location and since your request is
“mysite.com/foo/bar/sth.html” it is matched by this regexp it is the one
used by nginx / so not really proxy_passed.
header ( some examples: XSendfile | NGINX ).
“/foo/bar/,”, which seems to be what nginx is doing. At the same time, I
proxy_pass the request to the backend application server to check for
permissions. If success, the backend server sends a ‘X-Accel-Redirect’
header back to nginx to serve the file.
“Sets a configuration based on a request URI.”, that’s all. You protect
location (i.e. configuration, including proxy_pass and so on) from
On a second thought, I think I get what you mean by “internal”
directive. It
will blocks ALL external requests from browsers, thus my browser request
“/foo/bar/sth” is block immediately and 404 is returned, without doing
I may need to rethink my design here. Ideally, I want users who request
“/foo/bar/sth” in their browsers get served by nginx with the file
“/foo/bar/sth/sth.html”, while letting the backend application server
control the access to the file. I may need to rethink the design here.
Thanks for the pointers.
I use “internal” directive to block direct access to anything
“/foo/bar/,”, which seems to be what nginx is doing. At the same time, I
proxy_pass the request to the backend application server to check for
permissions. If success, the backend server sends a ‘X-Accel-Redirect’
header back to nginx to serve the file.
I may need to rethink my design here. Ideally, I want users who request
“/foo/bar/sth” in their browsers get served by nginx with the file
“/foo/bar/sth/sth.html”, while letting the backend application server
control the access to the file.
Well then you are doing it generally right, the only tricky part to
innitially understand is using different location blocks - one for the
proxy_pass and one for the protected files.
The example is shown also in the XSendfile wiki page.
To really protect the files while not necessary you should keep them
of the default webroot.
First you define the location you will be using as URLs on your
(there is no need for such directories or files to actually exist as all
requests will be sent to the backend for it to decide what to do next).
Second you define the location what will be used in the
header sent from the backend server.
location /protected/ {
root /data/files; #or alias /data/files/; - in case you want to leave the
out of your physical data path.
If the download is allowed (whatever logic the application
backend should respond with X-Accel-Redirect:
( you can change the directory tree or even the resulting file names as
wish / the only requirement is to leave the defined internal path (in
case ‘/protected’).
Depending on what you used (‘root’ or ‘alias’) in the protected
block a file from /data/files/protected/foo/bar/sth.html or
/data/files/foo/bar/sth.html will be served by nginx.
4 .Even if people discover the backend url or the X-Accel-Redirect
there is no way for them to acess the files directly since mysite.com/protected/foo/bar/sth.html wont work for them.
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