Pay has 2 columns (methods) id and name
Wage has 3 columns id, pay_id and name
Pay is set up with:
has_many :wages
Wage is:
belongs_to :pay
First, I believe this is set up correctly , according to Rails idiom.
There are many wages that can be associate with a pay.
However in trying to map wage to pay I’m having a problem with this
(This is an example line:)
<%= select ‘model’,‘category_id’, Model.find(
{|x| [,]} %>
The use of ‘category_id’ and ‘categories’ I think is throwing me off.
How does category relate to my wage model ?
Your associations and assumptions between Pay and Wage are correct from
you originally posted. Can you post the actual RHTML code that is
here? I’m having a hard time understanding the situation here.
I’m just going to start this all over - cause I live on the ground
floor so jumping isn’t going to help. I’ve also looked at it every
which way and Sunday with no luck.
I’m looking at this
where it is talking about KRJS plugin. Regardless my particular
question is not related to the plugin …yet.
The page is talking about updating a second select box based on the
choice user makes in first. It goes on to show an example view: