Question1 Cucumber Rails

can we write multiple background in one feature file…?
can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Fahim P. [email protected] wrote:

can we write multiple background in one feature file…?


can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?


Read: Search

On Friday, 31 August 2012 08:59:48 UTC-5, Fahim P. wrote:

can we write multiple background in one feature file…?


can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?


Read: Search


if i have 2 sceanario and 1 background .
but i want only 1 scenario should used that backgound and 2nd scenario
dont use that background.

and i want to run them same time.
can it is possible ?

What is the diff between Capybara and Webrat?
Which one is by default configure with cucumber ?
If both are providing same functionality than which one i use?

How to test view in cucumber ?
I want to test CSS and body of page(DOM objects) are working perfectly
not ?How to Write in Scenario to test View?

What is this Silenium Framework ?
Can i use this for Rails application ?
This framework is better than Cucumber for High level testing ?

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Jordon B. [email protected]


when i try to write two features on 1 feature file i get this error

Parse error at :15. Found feature when expecting one of: comment,
doc_string, row, scenario, scenario_outline, step, tag. (Current state:
step). (Gherkin::Parser::ParseError)

my feature file code below

Feature: Real life
Scenario: checking 1

       Given I click google link

Feature: life
Scenario: checking 2

       Given I click google link

i think 2 feature in 1 feature file is not allowed

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