I come from a perl background. I have gotten in the habit of using
references to variables instead of specifically calling said variable/
Basically, I am wondering how I would translate the following into
example 1:
sub my_sub
$choice = shift;
if ( $choice =~ m/($choices)/ ) {&$choice}
else {die “some witty msg”}
example 2:
$this = ‘var_name’;
$var_name = ‘i want this to print’;
print $$var_name . “\n”;
I come from a perl background. I have gotten in the habit of using
references to variables instead of specifically calling said variable/
In Ruby, a variable is a reference to an object. While you can create
multiple references to the same object, you cannot create a reference
to a variable. You can create an object that refers to another object:
foo = { :obj => [1,2,3] } # Hash with a key that points to an array
bar = { :obj => foo } # pointing to the other hash
…but you can still swap out what the variable foo points to and
the :obj key in bar will not be updated.
You can, however, look up instance and class variables by name: @foo1 = “whee” @foo2 = “la”
answer = ‘@foo1’
puts instance_variable_get( answer )
I think that’s about as close as you’re going to get (without using
I come from a perl background. I have gotten in the habit of using
references to variables instead of specifically calling said variable/
I don’t think that symbolic references directly supported in Ruby, but
as Phrogz pointed out there are certain methods to access variables
and methods by using a string representation of their name.
else {die “some witty msg”}
This one is easy, there’s a “send” method that let’s you call a method
using a string containing it’s name. Here’s an abbreviated version of
what you have above:
def my_sub( $choice )
if $choice =~ /foo|bar/
send( $choice )
example 2:
$this = ‘var_name’;
$var_name = ‘i want this to print’;
print $$var_name . “\n”;
Looks like this would probably need an eval:
this = ‘var_name’
var_name = ‘i want this to print’
puts( eval( this ) )
There are methods to list local variables ‘local_variables’, and
return instance variables, but there isn’t really anything to actually
return the value of a local variable so far as I can see.
$choice = shift;
if ( $choice =~ m/($choices)/ ) {&$choice}
Sorry if I am asking something stupid here but my $perl days are
long gone now.
You are matching the reference of a sub with a rgexp and then call the
sub you are holding the reference of???
Assuming that you meant something like
if (whatever) {&$choice}
you will write
if whatever choice.call
The interesting difference will be the call of my_sub, which I have to
call my_def in Ruby ;).
def my_def callable
#now callable could be a lambda
my_def lambda{ puts 42 } #a method
s=“*” * 42
m = s.method(:size)
my_def m
But very probably you want to use something more Rubish.
def my_def …
yield if something # with many variations available
Proc.new.call if something
The next approach – my preferred – will give you a reference to the
block - a little bit like an anonymous sub in perl.
def my_def …, &blk
blk.call if something
example 2:
$this = ‘var_name’;
$var_name = ‘i want this to print’;
print $$var_name . “\n”;
this = “var_name”
var_name = “I want #{this} to print”
puts var_name
I am aware of the conceptional difference – and that was nicely
explained already - but maybe that is all you need
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