@groups = GroupsInfo.find(:all, :conditions=>[“date >= ? and date < ?”, @from_date.to_date ,@to_date.to_date])
I also should have mentioned that @to_date should be set to the day
after your ending target date:
@to_date.to_date + 1.day
One final note/suggestion…
It is also possible to use the hash form with a range.
from_date = Time.now.to_date - 10.days # 10 days ago
to_date = Time.now.to_date + 1.day # midnight one day after target @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => { :published_at =>
from_date…to_date })
SELECT * FROM “posts” WHERE (“posts”.“published_at” >= ‘2009-11-07’ AND
“posts”.“published_at” < ‘2009-11-18’)
Notice use of exclusive range (x…y), which would include all of
2009-11-17 up to but not including midnight of 2009-11-18.
I only mention all this because I tend to avoid database specific
implementation when possible/practical. However, there are definitely
practical uses for database specific implementations.
I don’t know if there are any performance considerations to be taken
into account in this particular case. I suppose one would be weighing
database CAST+date range test performance against datetime range
testing. My guess would be that the later would perform slightly better,
but it’s difficult to know without benchmarking.
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