I have a question about using ruby and ruby-gtk2. I have a simple gui
and am using SourceView as my text buffer and have added a menu to open
and save files. My question is how in the world to I open a file and
display it within my buffer?
so far my open method is:
callback_open = Proc.new {
p “Open is called.”
dialog = FileChooserDialog.new(“Open File”,nil,
if dialog.run == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT
@filename = #{dialog.filename}
file = File.open(@filename)
after the file variable line I have tried different things to actually
add the text to the buffer but none seem to work. I checked the API but
I’m not sure if their is a TextBuffer method that I can use to read in
the file line by line.
Any help would be appreciated.
David T.
Chapter 2: GUI Toolkits for Ruby
This is a long but good free sample chapter from the Ruby Developer’s
The section on “Using the Glade GUI Builder” (gtk) is nice, but I wish
maybe for one or two more full examples of it. I think glade or
glade-type tools can have a big impact by keeping the GUI and your
application as interchangeable parts. It is also multi-platform.
Author: Michael N.
ISBN: 1928994644
January 18, 2002
New Price: $29.95 (The free sample chapter is a mini-book on GUI
i am not sure what your question is, but i am using ruby and glade a
Very, very easy.
this site
has lots of good stuff. There is even a single command in ruby that will
allow you to create a skeleton
rb file to use with a glade file, its ruby-glade-create-template
gladefile.glade > yourapp.rb
very cool,