Question about uO and FPGA


I am currently using USRP to do two-way relaying between d'b A and 

d’b B
(FLEX2400). The graph looks like

rx_a -> tx_b
rx_b -> tx_a

Since there are one rx and one tx paths sharing the TX/RX port. The 

is used in time-multiplexing way. When I get something on rx_b, I
set_enable(True) on tx_a and set_enable(False) on tx_b. Then use
to relay the data from b to a. I use set_mux(gru.hexint(32103210)) for
and set_mux(0xba98) for tx.

The problem is I have to use relatively high bit rate on these tx 

and rx
paths. The demic rate should be <=16, and interp rate <=32. When I run
code with decim rate = 16 interp rate = 32, I keep receiving uO. My
questions are : what’s the max rate the USRP can support in this case?
is there any fatal fault in my graph design?

Any help will be appreciated!


P.S. Attached is the simplified connection between rx and tx

    self.connect(self.rx_path.u, di)
    self.connect(intl, self.tx_path.u)

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DiX wrote:

The problem is I have to use relatively high bit rate on these tx and rx

paths. The demic rate should be <=16, and interp rate <=32. When I run the
code with decim rate = 16 interp rate = 32, I keep receiving uO. My
questions are : what’s the max rate the USRP can support in this case? and
is there any fatal fault in my graph design?

Hi Di,

uO means that the USRP is overrunning, in other words your host machine
cannot keep up with the incoming data rate.

The USRP cannot keep up with more than 8Msps due to the USB bus
limitation with 32-bit complex. You will get overruns if you try
anything more than this. Let’s take the case of a single
daughterboard… you will not be able to use a decimation rate lower
than 8 (64Msps/8 = 8Msps).

The first thing to do, is to check to see if your machine can keep up
with 8Msps. Run “./usrp/host/apps/test_usrp_standard_rx -D 8” and see
if you get any uO. If not, keep increasing the decimation until you get
no uO.

Since you’re using two RX chains, with a decimation rate of 8, you’d be
generating 16Msps since each chain generates 8Msps. Therefore, when you
say “decim rate should be <=16” … <=16 is not possible, only =16.
With decim=16 you’re generating 4Msps per chain, for a total of 8Msps.

  • George

George N. wrote:

daughterboard… you will not be able to use a decimation rate lower
With decim=16 you’re generating 4Msps per chain, for a total of 8Msps.

  • George

Hi George,

 Thanks for your prompt reply :-)

 I understand the USB2.0 can be a bottleneck. So I try to connect 

data from one d’b to the other d’b directly in a graph without making
data travel through USB (I do not need to module/demodule the signal).
Actually if I have only one rx path on say A, and one tx path on B, it
relays from A to B quite well with decim=16 and interp=32. However when
try to use 2 rx and 2 tx in the way I discribed in last post, it fails
prints many uO.

 Is it possible the total data rate is too high to be supported in 

FPGA? Sorry I know little about FPGA.


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