Hi all!
A have a little probleme with FFT.
I use the GRC without USRP. I would like to messeaure a triangle
signal, but i never becam the right effect. I attached the picture
about the measuring.
The problem are the followed:
I don’t why but, i have allways a peak at 0Hz. - Independent from the
type of signal
On the picture i messaure a triangle, but the next peak in the FFT
failed at 12kHz.
Attached picture:
Have you any Idea?
Thank: Gergely
in your picture is a peak at -12KHz.
Is it possible, that you have to calculate the absolut value from the
On a normal calculator it’s the function abs().
I don’t why but, i have allways a peak at 0Hz. - Independent from the
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Kóczián Gergely wrote:
I don’t why but, i have allways a peak at 0Hz. - Independent from the
type of signal
The imaginary part of your signal has a dc offset.
On the picture i messaure a triangle, but the next peak in the FFT
failed at 12kHz.
Try making it a real signal (float outputs, not complex outputs).
The second peak have to be:
Frequency: 3kHz
Amplitudo: -45dB
The second peak is 20*math.log10(9) dB down from the first one. Thats
exactly what you should expect:
A triangular wave or triangle wave is a non-sinusoidal waveform named for its triangular shape. It is a periodic, piecewise linear, continuous real function.
Like a square wave, the triangle wave contains only odd harmonics. However, the higher harmonics roll off much faster than in a square wave (proportional to the inverse square of the harmonic number as opposed to just the inverse).
A triangle wave of period p that spans the range [0,1] is defined as:
For a triangle wave spanning the ran...
The amplitudo of the first peak also not correct.
You should take a look at logpwrfft.py
Thanks for the help. Now the frequency is correct. But the amplitudo
is wrong. I messauring in the real life a triangle signal and it’s not
Attached picture:
The second peak have to be:
Frequency: 3kHz
Amplitudo: -45dB
The amplitudo of the first peak also not correct.
Best regreads
2009/10/22 Josh B. [email protected] :
about the measuring.
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