Question about soap/wsdlDriver

Hi all,

I ran into an oddity the other day as I was chunking through
pickaxe. I checked google, but did not see this specific problem,
nor did I see it in the errata for the book.

I am doing the Google query example, and can run the query no
problem. I get back a result set as I expect. E.g. the first
element of a search for “ruby”:
irb(main):020:0> p result.resultElements[0]
{}URL=“” {}cachedSize=“18k”
{}relatedInformationPresent=“true” {}snippet=“Interpreted,
dynamically typed, pure
object-oriented, scripting language for
fast, easy
programming, from Japan. Simple,
straightforward, extensible.” {}summary=#<SOAP::Mapping::Object:
{}title=“”> => nil

but, if I do the following, I get an error:

 irb(main):021:0> p result.resultElements[0].URL
 NoMethodError: undefined method `URL' for

from (irb):21

The strangeness is that URL, is defined, but the accessor was renamed
to “uRL”:

 irb(main):022:0> p result.resultElements[0].methods.sort
 [... "uRL", "uRL=", ...]
 => nil

So using uRL instead of URL “fixes” the example in the book
irb(main):023:0> p result.resultElements[0].uRL
=> nil

Is this something specific to my environment, or is there something I
missed in some documentation somewhere?



Matt Long [email protected] /
[email protected]
University of South Florida, CRASAR
GnuPG public key:

I don’t have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.

  • Ashleigh Brilliant